University Pathways

Articulation partners and credit linkages

Skills Generation’s partnerships with Australian Universities enable our graduates to gain guaranteed entry and credit toward a wide range of university degrees.

Our articulations and credit linkages provide a pathway to university through Certificate IV and Diploma courses. Completing one of our Diplomas may give you a full year of credit towards a degree with one of our partner universities through university pathways.

Skills Generation is proudly in partnership with Griffith University, Southern Cross University, University of Southern Queensland and University of the Sunshine Coast.

Benefits of articulation pathways:

Skills Generation has articulation agreements with our partner universities that recognise the learning completed within the Skills Generation courses/qualifications for entry into first or second year of a related partner university course with maximum credit:

Skills Generation Qualification
Griffith University Course**
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Social Work
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Griffith University Course**
Bachelor of Social Work
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Griffith University Course**
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Counselling
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Griffith University Course**
Bachelor of Counselling
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Social Work
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Griffith University Course**
Bachelor of Social Work
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Griffith University Course**
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Counselling
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Griffith University Course**
Bachelor of Counselling
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*

** Full details of these arrangements are listed in the Griffith University Credit Precedent Database located at via a search of Skills Generation.
* Guaranteed entry is subject to course English language proficiency requirements
Information is correct at time of publishing.

Skills Generation Qualification
Southern Cross University Course**
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Community Welfare
Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 24 (20% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Community Welfare

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 24 (20% of the course)
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Social Work
Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 32 (15% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Social Work

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 32 (15% of the course)
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Arts (3007099)
8 units (96 credit points or 33% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Arts (3007099)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

8 units (96 credit points or 33% of the course)
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Psychological Science (3007244)
8 units (96 credit points or 33% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Psychological Science (3007244)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

8 units (96 credit points or 33% of the course)
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Community Welfare
Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Community Welfare

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course)
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Social Work
Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 32 (25% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Social Work

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 32 (25% of the course)
BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
Master of Business Administration
Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 16 (31% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
Southern Cross University Course**
Master of Business Administration

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 16 (31% of the course)
BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
Master of Business Administration (MBA online)
Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 16 (31% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
Southern Cross University Course**
Master of Business Administration (MBA online)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 5 units, of a total of 16 (31% of the course)
CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
Bachelor of Community Welfare
Credit granted: 10 units, of a total of 24 (41% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Community Welfare

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 10 units, of a total of 24 (41% of the course)
CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
Bachelor of Social Work
Credit granted: 6 units, of a total of 32 (18% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Social Work

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 6 units, of a total of 32 (18% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Certificate IV qualification
Bachelor of Arts (3007099)
4 units (48 credit points or 16% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Certificate IV qualification
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Arts (3007099)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 units (48 credit points or 16% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Certificate IV qualification
Bachelor of Psychological Science (3007244)
4 units (48 credit points or 16% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Certificate IV qualification
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Psychological Science (3007244)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 units (48 credit points or 16% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Certificate IV qualification
Bachelor of Digital Media (3007084)
4 units (48 credit points or 16% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Certificate IV qualification
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Digital Media (3007084)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 units (48 credit points or 16% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Psychological Science

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies
Credit granted: 2 units, of a total of 24 (8% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 2 units, of a total of 24 (8% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies)
Credit granted: 2 units, of a total of 16 (12% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Southern Cross University Course**
Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 2 units, of a total of 16 (12% of the course)
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Bachelor of Arts
Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course)
Skills Generation Qualification
Any Skills Generation AQF Diploma qualification (in addition to those listed above)
Southern Cross University Course**
Bachelor of Arts

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course)

* Guaranteed entry is subject to course English language proficiency requirements
** For further details view the Southern Cross University website:
Information is correct at time of publishing.

Skills Generation Qualification
University of the Sunshine Coast Course**
Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Human Services

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
+ 1 x elective course

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Human Services

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
+ 1 x elective course

CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Bachelor of Social Work

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
+ 1 x elective course

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
+ 1 x elective course

CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Human Services

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
SWK200 Social Work Practice in Various Organisational Settings
SWK202 Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing
SWK278 Ethics, Law and the Helping Professions
+ 1 x elective course

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Human Services

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
SWK200 Social Work Practice in Various Organisational Settings
SWK202 Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing
SWK278 Ethics, Law and the Helping Professions
+ 1 x elective course

CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Social Work

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
SWK200 Social Work Practice in Various Organisational Settings
SWK286 Disability: Culture, Community and Change
+ 1 x elective course

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

COU176 Group Processes and Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n’t) it work? – An Introduction to Sociology
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
SWK200 Social Work Practice in Various Organisational Settings
SWK286 Disability: Culture, Community and Change
+ 1 x elective course

CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) - From 2023

6 x elective courses

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) - From 2023

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

6 x elective courses

* Guaranteed entry is subject to course English language proficiency requirements
** For further details view the University of the Sunshine Coast website:
Information is correct at time of publishing.

Skills Generation Qualification

University of Southern Queensland Course**

Credit Points (CP) and Guaranteed Entry*
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015
Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK)

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW1500 Collective Action and Community Development

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW1500 Collective Action and Community Development

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (BSWH)

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW1500 Collective Action and Community Development

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (BSWH)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW1500 Collective Action and Community Development

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015
Bachelor of Human Services (BHSP)

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

HSW1500 Collective Action and Community Development

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 6

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Human Services (BHSP)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

HSW1500 Collective Action and Community Development

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 6

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) 12 Unit Major

8 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 8

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) 12 Unit Major

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

8 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 8

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) Extended 16 Unit Major

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) Extended 16 Unit Major

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BPSH)

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services, or superseded qualification CHC52015

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BPSH)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313
Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK)

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (BSWH)

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (BSWH)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 5

CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313
Bachelor of Human Services (BHSP)

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 6

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Human Services (BHSP)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

SWK1400 Working in Partnership with Children, Youth and Families

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 6

CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) 12 Unit Major

8 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 8

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) 12 Unit Major

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

8 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 8

CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) Extended 16 Unit Major

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) Extended 16 Unit Major

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BPSH)

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention, or superseded qualification CHC50313

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BPSH)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413
Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK)

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (BSWH)

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (BSWH)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

PSY1040 An Introduction to Cultural Safety in Practice

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

2 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413
Bachelor of Human Services (BHSP)

HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 6

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Human Services (BHSP)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support

HSW2211 Deconstructing Delinquency: Radical Perspectives for Working with Young People

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 6

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) 12 Unit Major

8 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 8

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) 12 Unit Major

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

8 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 8

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) Extended 16 Unit Major

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSCP) Extended 16 Unit Major

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BPSH)

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

Skills Generation Qualification
CHC50421 Diploma of Youth Work or superseded qualification CHC50413

University of the Sunshine Coast Course**

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BPSH)

Credit Points and Guaranteed Entry*

4 x Unspecified Electives

Total Credit Value – 4

* Students must meet all admission and program requirements as outlined in the UniSQ Handbook. Students are encouraged to submit their credit application prior to commencement of their UniSQ program.
** For further details view the University of the Southern Queensland Credit Calculator
Information is correct at time of publishing – subject to change.

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